Tooth pain chatting, local dental pain questions

Best tooth pain question chatting, local tooth decay questions chat

Hundreds of millions of people suffer from tooth decay and tooth pain globally. It is estimated that one-third of the world's population has some sort of tooth decay that has not been treated.  Untreated tooth decay can become worse and worse over time.  When you do not treat tooth decay for a long period, it may lead to tooth pain and can possibly lead to tooth extraction if not treated. We get asked many local dental questions online. Many of these local dentists' questions deal with tooth pain questions and tooth cavities questions. In this local dental blog, we will discuss untreated tooth decayhow to treat toothache pain, and how to fix tooth decay.  

Tooth Pain Blog, Tooth Decay ChatWhat happens if you do not treat a tooth cavity?

A tooth cavity does not just go away.  Tooth cavities or tooth caries should be removed by a local dentist using a dental handpiece. After removal of the decay, the tooth should be filled with a composite filling or another type of dental filling material. The goal is to treat tooth decay before it increases in size and infects the pulp nerve part of the tooth. If and when untreated tooth decay goes towards the pulp nerve area, then that person will most likely start to experience tooth pain. At this point, the patient will most likely have to choose between having root canal treatment or having the tooth extracted.  We will discuss this further in this online dentist blog about toothache.

Best tooth pain question chatting, local tooth decay questions chat

What is tooth decay or cavity?

We get asked many local tooth decay questions. A common dental question about tooth decay is how to treat it and what it is.  Tooth decay and tooth cavity are interchangeable and mean the same thing. Tooth decay usually starts in the outer enamel layer of the tooth.  From there, it works its way inside toward the middle or pulp chamber of the tooth.  Hence, it is best to remove the tooth decay as soon as possible before it spreads and becomes a bigger cavity.  

1. Treat tooth decay before it becomes larger.

2. If left untreated, tooth decay can increase in size and spread into the middle portion of the tooth - called the pulp chamber (where the tooth nerve is).

3. At this point, the person will most likely start to experience pain.  The large cavity can cause a tooth abscess, which can be treated by either a dentist doing root canal treatment or having the tooth extracted.

>> Do you have a Local Toothache Question for Local Dentists?  Can post your local dentist Questions @ DentalChat.  Post your local dentist questions using this Dental Chat link.

Toothache blogging - What is dental pain?

Dental pain or toothache is simply defined as an uncomfortable sensation related to the teeth or surrounding structures.

Statistics of dental pain:

Virtually everyone in some way has experienced dental pain or toothache in some form or another during their lifetime.  It can be from eating something very cold or chewing on something very hard. The most common cause of dental pain is dental caries. Worldwide, it is estimated that over 2 billion people have some sort of tooth decay.  What many people do not realize is that it is best to treat tooth decay while it is small and manageable.

Risk factors for dental pain:

Common dental causes of toothache include dental cavities, dental abscesses, gum disease, sensitive tooth roots (dentine hypersensitivity), the dentin of tooth exposure from abrasion, cracked teeth, impacted teeth, and the eruption of teeth (an example being wisdom teeth). Dental pain can also originate from a non-dental disease or illness, such as angina/heart attack, sinusitis, psychological disorders, and cancerous tumors.

Local Dental Pain Blog - Progression of dental pain:

Dental pain can be either acute dental pain (happening suddenly) or chronic dental pain (happening over a long duration of time). The treatment of dental pain depends on nature, onset, and the factors causing the pain. Many people are asking Tooth Pain Question Online with us at DentalChat. We have local dentists that answer your tooth pain questions.

Symptoms of dental pain:

General dental pain symptoms can include:

  • Having Tooth Pain when drinking hot or cold beverages;

  • Pain on eating sweet snacks;

  • Having very sensitive teeth to the slightest touch or air;

  • Pain on biting or during chewing food;

  • Severe pain that wakes you up while you are sleeping;

  • Severe continuous pain that comes suddenly, without doing anything.

If you have any of the above, it is a good signal that you need to see a local dentist. When you visit your local dentist, they will perform an oral exam, review your medical and dental history, and take dental X-rays.

Clinical examination of dental pain:

When you visit your dentist, they will ask you a few questions about the nature of your pain.  These dental questions can include 

  • When did you start to feel tooth pain?

  • Does the pain linger for seconds, minutes, or hours?

  • Does tooth pain or toothache increase when having hot, cold, or sweet foods?

  • Does the toothache or tooth pain wake you up at night?

  • Can you determine the tooth that is causing the pain?

Your answer to these local dentist questions, with a thorough oral exam and dental x-rays - will help in finding out the cause of the toothache / dental pain. Your Local Emergency Dentist Help in providing dental services such as root canal, dental X-rays, and other dental treatments to treat toothaches.

How is dental pain diagnosed?

The dentist may use one or more of the following tests to identify what is causing the dental pain.

Test for sensitive teeth:

The dentist uses a special device to determine whether the tooth is still vital (alive). This test may be repeated several times in different appointments.

Cold test:

The dentist applies a special cold dental material to the tooth in question. This will aid in diagnosis and decision-making, such as whether the tooth needs a root canal treatment or a filling.

Heat test:

The dentist applies a special hot dental material to the tooth in question. This will aid in diagnosis and decision-making on whether the tooth needs a root canal treatment or a filling.

Looking for cavities in your mouth:

The dentist can perform a full check-up to look for dental caries using certain examination instruments.

Tapping on the teeth:

The dentist taps on the tooth in question and adjacent teeth with the handle of the dental mirror. This sometimes helps locate the tooth causing the dental pain.

Check if the teeth are mobile:

The dentist can check the tooth's mobility (how much it moves) using two handles of two dental instruments or one handle and one finger.

Check the structures around the teeth:

The dentist can check for other abnormalities in the mouth that may cause dental pain by passing one or two fingers on the gums and cheeks.

Biting on cotton or gauze:

The dentist places a cotton roll on the tooth in question and asks the patient to close the mouth. This will aid in the diagnosis of cracked teeth.

Taking x-rays:

X-rays and dental imaging machines are important diagnostic tools for local dentists. With these tools, the dentist can inspect the hidden areas of the teeth and the bone around the teeth and check for any other abnormalities that may be happening underneath the gums.

Prognosis of dental pain:

Treatment depends on the type and nature of the pain. It may require root canal treatment, tooth removal, or simply fluoride application.

Treatment of dental pain:

When the dentist has identified what is causing the dental pain, then they will be able to treat your tooth or teeth efficiently.  Usually, the dentist will provide some sort of dental treatment plan. This dental treatment plan will most likely provide the patient with some options. You might end up with the following types of treatment recommendations.

Fluoride application:

Fluoride can be supplied in three forms: fluoride varnish, fluoride gel, and fluoride mouthwash. The dentist may use a small brush to apply the fluoride varnish or a tray for the fluoride gel. On the other hand, the dentist may instruct you to use fluoride mouthwash at home.

Tooth Filling Chat, Teeth Fillings Blog - Fillings for your tooth cavity. 

Many people have a tooth cavity or multiple teeth cavities. Some people have worn away the enamel layer of teeth which may be causing them teeth sensitivity. One of the most common dental treatments people have at their local dental office is a tooth filling.  Now, in 2024, it is fairly simple for your dentist to do a tooth filling. Of course, not all tooth fillings are the same. For teeth with more extensive and a large area of cavity, the tooth filling may require more time, effort and cost.  For example, there is a simple one-surface composite filling and a more complicated and costly 3 surface composite filling. 

Virtual Composite Dental Filling Blogging Online.

The most common dental treatment for tooth decay or tooth cavities is to fill it with some sort of tooth-filling material. 30 or 40 years ago, most dentists used silver amalgam fillings for the back molar teeth.  Nowadays, most dentists only use composite filling materials for all tooth fillings. Composite dental fillings are composed of various materials and are made by many dental companies.  Composite fillings have become much better and stronger in recent years. Amalgam fillings have mercury components, and many dentists use dental filling material less and less.  Amalgam fillings are still used by some dentists and can last for quite a long time in the mouth.

Dental Prophy, Scaling and Polishing of Your Teeth. Cleaning your gums and teeth professionally. 

One of the most important aspects of oral health is proper dental cleaning. Home care is utmost in this. It is important to brush and floss your teeth daily. Going to your local dental office and having proper prophylaxis is very important as well. Prophy or prophylaxis are used interchangeably. Sometimes, for those who have plaque buildup under their gums, scaling and root planing may be required.  

AI Dental X-rays and Dental Treatment Suggestions for Tooth Pain Problems - Virtual Toothache Service

AI and dental care are rapidly expanding. Now, there are AI Dental X-rays and Dental Treatment Tools that various software companies are providing. AI Dentistry and Dental Chat are working to provide innovative solutions for patients and dentists. People can Dental Chat about Toothache Problems Online with us.  Live Dentist Consultations and Exam Discussions can now be done virtually.  Some of the more advanced dental offices are now using AI Dental Care software tools. 

Root canal treatment - What is root canal treatment (RCT)?

People with deep cavities or tooth infections may require root canal treatment. The dentist will remove the dental pulp (the nerve and blood supply of the tooth), clean and shape the root canal area of the tooth, and then place a sterile filling inside the root canal of the tooth. Basically, the dentist will clean the area and fill it—usually with some sort of gutta percha filling material.  The patient will still require a composite buildup and perhaps some sort of crown after the root canal treatment. This needs to be discussed with your dentist in a thorough dental treatment plan at the office. 

Removal of the tooth

This is simply the extraction of the tooth and is always the last treatment option when all other treatments fail.


Antibiotics may be prescribed as an adjunct to the main dental treatment, especially in cases of bacterial infection (dental abscess). Antibiotics by themselves are not an effective treatment for dental pain.

Pain killers

Painkillers can temporarily relieve dental pain. They are not definitive treatments because the underlying cause of dental pain still needs to be treated.

Many people have had tooth pain or tooth pain in a general area at one time or another.

  • Tooth Pain Chatting / Tooth Decay Blog with us at DentalChat.

  • Why do people have tooth decay or tooth pain?  Tooth pain can vary from slight to debilitating pain from tooth pain.  Sometimes, Multiple Teeth Pain from various teeth can occur. This can be from tooth decay, gum problems including periodontitis, and various other dental problems.  

  • Tooth Damage - Teeth Damage: Tooth Damage can be from chipping, breaking of your tooth, teeth that fracture from a fall, sports injury, or biting on something hard. This can cause pain and hurt, especially if the dentin or root nerve of the tooth is exposed - that is, with a large tooth fracture.  Sometimes, a crown or a filling can break because it is worn out or due to immense stress - causing a stress fracture of the filling material. This can result in root canal therapy or perhaps tooth extraction.

  • Teeth sensitivity can cause mild to significant tooth pain.  When the enamel area of the tooth is worn away, and the dentin area of the tooth is more exposed - then people can start to feel more tooth sensitivity.  This area can be covered with a composite filling, veneer, or crown. The area around the facial portion of the tooth close to the gum line can be worn away if you do aggressive tooth brushing. Making sure not to toothbrush too aggressively in that area is a good idea, so as not to wear away the enamel.

  • Tooth Decay: Tooth decay is when the enamel is exposed or penetrated - with the cavity going towards the underlying dentin structure.  This can lead to root canal treatment, as teeth can become very sensitive to cold foods such as ice cream or various food products. If not treated, this can cause the tooth to fall apart.  Worse yet, when dentin is exposed and goes toward the tooth nerve, it can cause an abscess. This can result in large swelling in the mouth, jaw, or towards the nasal area or your upper jaw if the infection is in the maxilla (upper jaw).  Your local dental office/dentist has many tools to fix tooth decay - including fillings, crowns, root canals, and various other dental treatment services.

  • Gum Disease:  The cavities and tooth decay - are also affected by possible gingivitis or severe gum disease. If you have severe gum disease - it can contribute to tooth mobility; if you have severe periodontitis or other forms of gum disease, this can cause tooth mobility.  This can cause tooth pain as the tooth will feel loose and hurt when chewing on it.

Tooth Decay Pain, What is a Tooth Decay Blog, Tooth Pain Blog, Toothache Chat, Online Toothache Info:

We discussed How to Solve and fix tooth decay in this local dentist blog.  As we discussed, it is estimated that over 2 billion people across the globe have untreated tooth decay. Tooth decay blogging online and Toothache treatment discussion online with us. Tooth Decay Pain, What is a Tooth Decay Blog, Tooth Pain Blog, Toothache Chat, Online Toothache Info, Best Tooth Decay Treatment and Treating a Tooth Decay / Toothache as soon as can. We help people get local emergency dental inquiry questions answered online with us.  As we discussed, AI Dental Care Services for Dental X-rays and Treatment are now being used by some dentists. 

We are networking online with local dental bloggers and local dental blogs. We are looking to provide our readers with Dental Chat useful dental information. Online Tooth Pain Chatting, Local Toothache Chat, and Online Tooth Decay Blog with us @ DentalChat.  We are networking with local online healthcare information sites and online healthcare companies. We welcome expert dentist bloggers to contribute original information and articles to us.